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Sandra Palmer



Art Societies/Clubs


  • Highworth Artists’ Society

  • Lechlade Art Society

  • U3A Painting Group


I have always had a keen interest in art which was encouraged by a very good friend who herself is a professional artist. When I retired I decided it was a very good time to take my interest further. I enrolled at  the in a drawing and watercolour class and then joined the painting group at U3A. I soon discovered that my love was pastels and after encouraging comments from family and friends, and also selling a couple of paintings at a village show, I decided to join an art society. This was the best move.


I was accepted by Highworth Art Society and have made several new friends all with the same interest. I feel my pastels have developed and improved and I now enter exhibitions. I am also a member of Lechlade Art Society.


I hope to continue and to improve my paintings, which in the main are seascapes, and I look forward to many years of enjoyment.

© 2014 by Highworth Artists Society. 

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